Honorable Jill C. Marisie, Circuit Judge


  • Presiding
  • Third Municipal District - Rolling Meadows
  • Problem-Solving Courts
  • Courtroom 202

In addition to their Third Municipal District cases, Judge Marisie also hears Mental Health Treatment Court cases and Veterans Treatment Court cases, as part of Cook County's Problem-Solving Courts.

Contact Information

Rolling Meadows Courthouse
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008
(847) 818-2287
Courtroom 202



Anna Komosa
(847) 818-2287

Court Administrator

Patrick O'Connell
(847) 818-2287

Administrative Assistant

Melanie Palacios
(847) 818-2287

Court Schedule

Event Day & Time
Mental Health Treatment Court

2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
9:30 a.m.

Veteran's Treatment Court

2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
9:30 a.m.

Zoom Information

    Zoom Meeting ID: 958 9027 3943
    Zoom Passcode: 469150

    Dial-in Number: (312) 626-6799

    Remote Court Proceedings Information