Restorative Justice Community Courts


Restorative Justice Community Courts (RJCC) are aimed at young adults, aged 18-26, charged with non-violent felony or misdemeanor crimes. Part of the court’s mission is to end the harmful cycle of revenge and recidivism. The courts resolve conflict through restorative conferences and peace circles involving participants, victims, family members, friends, others affected by the crime, and the community.

The purpose of the circle process is to ultimately reach an agreement between the participant and members of the community called a Repair of Harm Agreement, in which the participant agrees to complete certain tasks, such as perform community engagement, write a letter of reflection, undergo substance abuse treatment, and other tasks. The Repair of Harm Agreement is a contract between the participant and the community. If the participant successfully completes all the tasks set out in the agreement, his or her case will be dismissed, the offense expunged, and the participant will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony celebrating this milestone in his or her life.

Victims are not required to participate. But if they choose, they may directly address the participant to express how they were hurt and what they need to heal from the crime.

Scientific research has shown that the brains of young adults are still emerging, and that the portion of the brain responsible for good judgment isn’t fully developed until the age of 26. Restorative Justice Community Courts give young adults a second chance to keep their records clean and get their lives back on track. Participants who successfully complete the program may have the opportunity to have their charges dismissed and arrest and court records expunged. 

For a case to be eligible for the court, the victim of the crime must agree to participate in the process. In addition, the person charged must: 

  • Be 18 to 26 years old
  • Have been charged with a nonviolent felony or misdemeanor  
  • Live, work, or worship in one of the neighborhoods which has a community court  
  • Have a nonviolent criminal history  
  • Accept responsibility for the harm caused  

The first Restorative Justice Community Court in Cook County started in North Lawndale on Chicago’s West Side in 2017. Two more courts started in Avondale on the Northwest Side and Englewood on the South Side in 2020. A new location in Sauk Village opened on July 15, 2024. As resources permit, the court plans to establish RJCC in additional areas of Cook County.   


Restorative Justice Community Courts Brochure

Restorative Justice Community Courts Handbook

The Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court Newsletter Summer 2022

The Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court Newsletter Summer 2021

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact the Office of the Chief Judge at 

Main Location & Contact Information
Richard J. Daley Center
50 W. Washington St.
Chicago, Illinois 60602

Judges Information

This section provides a short list of judges serving in the Restorative Justice Community Courts together with their courtroom location, room number, and telephone number. Click into each judge’s page to view their standing orders (if the judge has a standing order). Click “view all judges” to see a list of all Judges assigned to the Restorative Justice Community Courts.
Judge Assignment Primary Location Phone
Cooper, Donna L.
Circuit Judge
Juvenile Justice Division, Restorative Justice Community Courts
Cook County Juvenile Center
Room 8004
(312) 433-4757
Gray, Ieshia E.
Circuit Judge
Restorative Justice Community Courts Sixth Municipal District - Markham
Markham Courthouse
(708) 232-4169
Santiago, Beatriz
Circuit Judge
Restorative Justice Community Courts Third Municipal District - Rolling Meadows
Rolling Meadows Courthouse
(847) 818-2287
Spratt, Patricia S.
Circuit Judge
Restorative Justice Community Courts Fourth Municipal District - Maywood
Maywood Courthouse

Additional Locations

Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court
3647 W. George St.
Chicago, Illinois 60618
Englewood Restorative Justice Community Court
845 W. 69th St.
Chicago, Illinois 60621
North Lawndale Restorative Justice Community Court
3605 W. Fillmore St.
Chicago, Illinois 60624
Sauk Village Restorative Justice Community Court
2700 Kalvelage Dr.
Sauk Village, Illinois 60411

In The News

    DateArticleFeatured Location
    March 03, 2025How restorative justice is changing young people’s livesAll, North Lawndale
    February 18, 2025Firsthand Peacekeepers: Patricia SprattAll, North Lawndale
    February 17, 2025Stopping Violence with Community PartnershipsAll, North Lawndale
    November 18, 2024Court-program participants given second chanceNorth Lawndale
    November 13, 2024North Lawndale Restorative Justice Court Plans Graduation Ceremony for 92 Graduates Given “Second Chance” To Young ParticipantsNorth Lawndale
    November 07, 2024Avondale court recognizes graduates, volunteersAvondale
    November 01, 2024"Your case is dismissed." More and more graduates of the Court of Restorative Justice in JackówAvondale
    November 01, 2024Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court recognizes its Volunteer of the Year for 2024Avondale
    October 30, 2024Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court plans largest-ever graduation ceremony, with 26 graduates from Northwest Side programAvondale
    July 16, 2024Restorative justice court program expands to Chicago's south suburbsSauk Village
    July 16, 2024Cook County To Double Restorative Justice CourtsAll
    July 16, 2024Cook County extends restorative justice courts to the south suburbsSauk Village
    July 16, 20241st suburban Cook County Restorative Justice Court opens in Sauk Village, following Chicago's leadSauk Village
    July 10, 2024Circuit Court of Cook County to open first Restorative Justice Community Court in the suburbsSauk Village
    June 26, 2024Englewood Restorative Justice Community Court Graduates Largest Class In 4 YearsEnglewood
    June 26, 2024Graduation day for Englewood's Restorative Justice Community Court ProgramEnglewood
    June 25, 2024Englewood Restorative Justice Community Court plans largest-ever graduation, with 64 graduates from South Side programEnglewood