Press Release |
The Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court on Friday will host the largest graduation ceremony in the court’s four-year history. The 26 graduates will then have their non-violent cases dismissed and their records eventually expunged in recognition of this accomplishment.
The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 1, at Resurrection Hall of St. Hyacinth Basilica, 3636 West Wolfram Street in Chicago. Members of the media and public are welcome to attend.

“We are proud of our graduates, and proud of the success of the Avondale Restorative Justice Community Court since it started in September 2020,” Chief Judge Timothy Evans said. “The restorative justice courts give young people who have had an encounter with the criminal justice system the chance to return to the law-abiding community. We are also so grateful to those who help them on their journey – our judges, representatives of the State’s Attorney and Public Defenders’ offices, case workers and community volunteers.”
Restorative Justice Community Courts (RJCC) assist young adults, aged 18-26, charged with non-violent felony or misdemeanor crimes reintegrate into their communities. These courts resolve conflict through restorative conferences and peace circles involving participants, victims, family members, friends, others affected by the crime and the community.

The peace circle process, used in the courts, attempts to reach a “Repair of Harm Agreement” between the participant and members of the community. The participant agrees to complete certain tasks, such as perform an act of community service, write a letter of reflection, obtain a high school equivalency diploma and/or undergo substance abuse treatment. If the participant successfully completes all the tasks set out in the agreement, his or her case will be dismissed and the offense expunged. All 25 participants in Friday’s ceremony have successfully fulfilled all of the requirements of their agreements.
Victims are not required to participate. But if they choose, they may directly address the participant to express how they were hurt and what they need to heal from the crime.
For a case to be eligible for the court, the victim of the crime must agree to participate in the process. In addition, the person charged must:
- Be 18 to 26 years old
- Have been charged with a nonviolent felony or misdemeanor
- Live, work or worship in one of the neighborhoods which has a community court
- Have a nonviolent criminal history
- Accept responsibility for the harm caused
Graduate Juan Hernandez wrote that his experience in the peace circles was a “bit awkward at first,” but he met new people and learned from them how to live a better life. Hernandez previously faced a non-violent gun possession charge.

“This program keeps you out of jail and the benefits you receive in the program help you in other parts of life and to stay out of trouble,” Hernandez wrote in an essay about the program. “I’m hopeful that all the people in this program will learn from their mistakes like I have. I changed a lot of bad habits I had.”
Graduate Ricardo Rogel, who faced a similar charge, wrote in his essay that the volunteer community members in the circle meetings were not judgmental, but made him think differently about his actions and how they affected other people.
“Their job is to help and keep you out of trouble,” Rogel wrote.
The presiding judge of the Avondale program, the Hon. Beatriz Santiago, said that the courts address issues of inequality and help to heal communities.
“Innovative alternatives to traditional courts that seek to address systematic racism and inequality like restorative justice courts should be applauded and supported if we hope to achieve justice in our courts and equity in our society,” Judge Santiago said.
Volunteer Mark Klincewicz, who has participated in more than 30 peace circles in Avondale, will also be recognized as the court’s “Volunteer of the Year” during the ceremony.
The first Restorative Justice Community Court in Cook County started in North Lawndale on Chicago’s West Side in 2017. Restorative Justice Community Courts in Avondale and Englewood were both started in 2020. The Circuit Court of Cook County established a fourth RJCC in south suburban Sauk Village this past July and is working on developing others.
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