(a) A room designated as a Jurors' Assembly Room shall be reserved for the exclusive use of jurors assigned to the Criminal Division.
(b) All jurors must remain in the Jurors' Assembly Room except when assigned to a courtroom.
(c) Only a judge of the Criminal Division or a court official in the performance of his official duties is permitted to enter the Jurors' Assembly Room.
(d) The sheriff shall assign, and properly designate, one or more elevators in the Criminal Courts Building for the exclusive use of judges, jurors and bailiffs in charge of jurors.
(e) No person other than a court official in the performance of his official duties shall discuss with a juror, or in the presence of a juror, any matter relating to jurors or jury service. Every juror must report to a judge any violation of this rule.
(f) The violation of any provision of this rule will be deemed contempt of court.
(g) The sheriff shall display in a conspicuous place in the Jurors' Assembly Room the provisions of this rule.
[Dated July 14, 1967.]