1. In cases pending in any Department or Division of this court on or after the effective date of this order, all attorney fee petitions for court appointed attorneys, including petitions to pay costs of expert witnesses, court reporters, and other service providers, must be filed by the earlier of: 60 (sixty) days after entry of a final order disposing of the case or 6 (six) months after the attorney performed the service or incurred the cost.
2. In cases pending in this court on or before the effective date of this order, all fee petitions for services rendered and costs incurred more than 6 (six) months before the effective date of this order shall be filed and set for hearing by November 30, 2012.
This order supersedes all provisions governing the procedures for payment of the fees and costs of court appointed attorneys in previous orders of this Court, including orders of any Department or Division of this Court.
[Dated July 6, 2012.]