General Information
- Hours of Operation are: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Mobile Devices are not allowed in the Supreme Court Courtroom.
- Storage lockers are not available at the courthouse.
- A children's waiting room is not available at the courthouse.
- A public copier is not available.
- Public Internet computer is not available.
- Food and beverages are not available in the courthouse.
Parking and Directions
Metered Parking and Parking Garages are available near the building.
Public Transportation:
Bus, Train (Blue, Brown, Purple, Green, Pink, Orange Lines) at Clark/Lake
Additional Information
Court Disability Coordinator
Office of the Supreme Court Clerk
(217) 782-2035
Audio and video recordings of oral arguments before the Supreme Court may be found at:…
Supreme Court Clerk's Office, 160 N. LaSalle Street, 20th Floor
re:SearchIL: (online records):
Supreme Court Library Reference Questions may be submitted to You will receive an auto-reply message to let you know the Library has received your question(s).