Associate Judge Stanley J. Sacks

Press Release |

Effective Wednesday, October 20, 2004, Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans has reassigned Judge Stanley J. Sacks from the Criminal Division to duties other than judicial duties in the Office of the Presiding Judge of the Domestic Relations Division until further notice. Chief Judge Evans ordered the reassignment of Judge Sacks in response to Judge Sacks’s angry outburst and use of profanity in a trial earlier this month. Illinois Supreme Court Rule 56 provides that a chief judge may temporarily assign a judge to other than judicial duties to promote public confidence and impartiality of the judiciary and to ensure the perception and reality of the highest standards of conduct.

Chief Judge Evans also has asked Honorable Moshe Jacobius, Presiding Judge of the Domestic Relations Division, to mentor Judge Sacks to provide input and guidance on appropriate courtroom demeanor.

"In reading the court transcript, I was exceedingly troubled by Judge Sacks’s lack of respect for the high office which he holds and for those individuals present for the proceedings," said Chief Judge Evans. "Judges, in their courtrooms, must lead by example, holding themselves to the same high standards of conduct they would demand of those appearing before them. Such an egregious lapse of decorum and dignity will not be tolerated."

Judge Stanley J. Sacks was first elected an associate judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County in 1988. Judge Sacks has served in the Criminal Division for 15 years, for three years while additionally assigned to the Juvenile Division from 1989 to 1992, then exclusively from 1992 until today.

Judge Sacks expressed contrition to Chief Judge Evans over the incident, saying he accepts full responsibility for his comments and that he apologizes to his fellow judges and the public. "There is no proper context nor justification for my conduct," said Judge Sacks, who has agreed with Chief Judge Evans to attend anger management counseling.

"Stanley Sacks has demonstrated in the past that he can be a hard working and productive judge," said Chief Judge Evans. "I believe with assistance from his distinguished colleague and professional help, he can work toward maintaining an appropriate judicial demeanor that is more in line in serving the public interest."

Judge Sacks’s transfer has been delayed until October 20, 2004, to allow him to finish hearing a capital murder case.

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