Chief Judge Evans appoints mentoring panel for Judge Himel

Press Release |

Judge Ronald A. Himel was first elected a judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County in 1984, and has been assigned to the Criminal Division since 1985. In response to several publicized incidents involving Judge Himel’s courtroom conduct, Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans has asked a distinguished panel of mentors chaired by Justice Warren D. Wolfson of the First Appellate District Court of Illinois to provide input and guidance to Judge Himel on appropriate courtroom procedures. Judge Himel will begin a personal leave today. He will resume his assignment in the Criminal Division when he returns to work. While on leave, Judge Himel will receive mentoring from Justice Wolfson; Judge Bertina E. Lampkin, Supervising Judge in the Criminal Division; Judge Stephen A. Schiller of the Chancery Division; Judge Julia M. Nowicki of the Chancery Division; and Judge Leo E. Holt of the Criminal Division. He will also undergo anger management counseling during his leave. Judge Himel will continue to receive mentoring and oversight from the panel throughout the next year. In announcing his action concerning Judge Himel, Chief Judge Evans said, “Judge Ron Himel is a hard working and productive judge. The collective experience and wisdom of the mentoring panel will assist him in a return to appropriate courtroom procedures and judicial temperament that is more in line in serving the public interest.”

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