Chief Judge Evans assigns judges in five Burge torture claims

Press Release |

Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans today assigned Criminal Division judges to review the torture claims of five convicted individuals based on recommendations made by the Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission (TIRC).            

At a court proceeding known as a “case assignment” held at the George N. Leighton Criminal Court Building at 2600 South California in courtroom 101, Chief Judge Evans entered orders providing for the following:

  • Judge Diane Gordon Cannon will hear the claim of George Ellis Anderson, TIRC Claim No. 2011.016-A, Circuit Court Case No. 91 CR 22152 and Circuit Court Case No. 91 CR 22460.  Judge Cannon will also hear the claim of Darryl Christian, TIRC Claim No. 2011.004-C, Circuit Court Case No. 89 CR 15497.
  • Judge Arthur F. Hill, Jr. will hear the claim of David Randle, TIRC Claim No. 2011.006-R, Circuit  Court Case No. 91 CR 02172.
  • Judge Thomas V. Gainer, Jr. will hear the claim of Gerald Reed, TIRC Claim No. 2011.030-R, Circuit Court Case No. 90 CR 25846.
  • Judge Jorge Luis Alonso will hear the claim of Shawn Whirl, TIRC Claim No. 2011.051-W, Circuit Court Case No. 90 CR 12036.

Illinois law requires the TIRC Chair to ask the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County to assign a trial judge to review any torture claim that the Commission deems credible (Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission Act (775 ILCS 40/50 (a)).  The Commission, after deliberating, found the claims of each of above individuals were “credible” and merited “judicial review for appropriate relief.”

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