Internal inquiry finds no basis for allegations of favoritism in sworn supervisor exam

Press Release |

Chief Judge Evans directs chief probation officer to resume supervisor promotion process as department-wide reorganization continues

Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans announced that an internal fact-finding inquiry conducted by his office found no basis for allegations of favoritism in the exam for sworn supervisor administered by the court’s Adult Probation Department on June 3, 2014.

The fact-finding inquiry was conducted by a team of employees of the Office of the Chief Judge and included the following:

  • Maria Maher, Director of Support Services for judicial security who formerly served as Chief of Detectives for the Chicago Police Department;
  • Stephen M. Brandt, attorney and Acting Director of Legal Research;
  • Laura Kelly, attorney and Interim Director of Human Resources; and
  • Francis J. Mahon, Jr., attorney and member of the Legal Research staff.

The allegations of favoritism surfaced in anonymous correspondence sent to Chief Judge Evans in the days following the exam. In response, Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans placed the test results on hold and appointed staff members who are not affiliated with the Adult Probation Department to investigate the allegations in the letters.

On August 5, 2014, the fact-finding team wrote a letter to Chief Judge Evans that summarized their investigation and presented their conclusions. The team said that the allegations were based on unsubstantiated rumors and that no evidence could be found of cheating or related improprieties in the preparation for or administration of the test. The team recommended that the department resume its promotion process for sworn supervisor and that the Adult Probation Department improve its internal communications concerning the filling of positions.

Chief Judge Evans said, “Based on the results of our internal fact-finding team, I have instructed Chief Probation Officer Lavone Haywood to move forward and promote individuals to supervisor based on their test and interview scores and work history. Assembling the right management personnel is a critical part of the Adult Probation Department’s continuing efforts to revitalize its operations to improve outcomes for probationers while ensuring the public’s safety.”

Twelve new sworn supervisors in the Adult Probation Department are expected to be named on Friday, August 8, 2014.

The letter signed by Maher, Brandt, Kelly and Mahon is attached. (Click Here)

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