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To allow more time for preparation of pre-bond reports that assist judges in their bail-setting decisions, Central Bond Court at 26th and California will convene at a later time beginning in November, announced Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans. Pre-bond reports are objective assessments of the level of risk an alleged offender may present to public safety and whether the individual is likely to return to court for the next appearance.

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Statement by Rose M. Golden, Director, Juvenile Probation and Court Services Department, Circuit Court of Cook County

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Chief Judge plans to name new director by September 30, 2014

As part of his plans for the orderly transition of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center from a federal court appointed administrator to his office, Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans has established the Circuit Court of Cook County Committee on the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center. The committee is charged with recommending to the Chief Judge a list of finalists from among 45 individuals who applied to the Office of the Chief Judge for the position of executive director of the JTDC.  

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Chief Judge Evans directs chief probation officer to resume supervisor promotion process as department-wide reorganization continues

Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans announced that an internal fact-finding inquiry conducted by his office found no basis for allegations of favoritism in the exam for sworn supervisor administered by the court’s Adult Probation Department on June 3, 2014.

The fact-finding inquiry was conducted by a team of employees of the Office of the Chief Judge and included the following:

Press Release |

As the next step in his efforts to give increased focus and resources to pretrial services operations, Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans today announced that he has appointed an assistant chief and two deputy chiefs to lead the  Pretrial Services Division of the Adult Probation Department. 

The three individuals selected by Chief Judge Evans, their titles and responsibilities are as follows:

Press Release |

Veteran director of training and policy selected from among department’s top management 

Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans today announced the appointment of Rose Marie Golden as director of the court’s Juvenile Probation and Court Services Department effective immediately. She succeeds Michael J. Rohan who served as the department’s director from January 1994 until his retirement on Friday, May 30, 2014. 

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One of the country’s oldest law firms specializing in employment law has been asked to look into allegations that high ranking officials in the Adult Probation Department of the Circuit Court of Cook County improperly cooperated in searches of probationers’ homes with local and federal law enforcement agencies.

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Circuit Court conducts national search for new leadership in anticipation of transfer of Cook County’s juvenile detention center to the chief judge

The office of Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans is now accepting applications from qualified individuals to serve as superintendent/executive director of the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC).  

Press Release |

Chicago, IL, March 28, 2014 - Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans and the Nominating Committee of the Circuit Court of Cook County today announced the names of the 26 candidates that they selected to appear on the ballot from which the circuit judges will vote to fill 13 associate judge vacancies. 

The Nominating Committee is made up of the following circuit judges:

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Circuit Court of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans responds to the “Circuit Court of Cook County Pretrial Operational Review” issued this morning by the Illinois Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts